Lab 323 | Mechanical and Electrical Characterization Lab

LAB 323 has state-of-the-art equipment for mechanical and electrical characterization of materials

MTS Landmark Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine 

  • Displacement rate up to 10 m/s
  • Load Cell: 50 KN
  • Environmental Chamber with -140 C to 300 C

Novocontrol Broadband Dielectric Spectrometer

  • Frequency Sweep from 0.001 Hz to 10 MHz
  • Includes environmental chamber to conduct temperature dependent frequency sweep

Novocontrol Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Current (TSDC) Meter

  • Frequency Sweep from 0.001 Hz to 10 MHz
  • Includes Environmental Chamber

Sensuron Fiber Optic Sensing

  • Strain and temperature measurement

Micro Universal Testing Machine

  • Load Cell options: 100 N, 5000 N
  • Two simultaneous testing possible
  • Bending Tests, Tensile Tests, Mode I Tests, Mode II Tests possible

Ambios Stylus Profilometer

Kruss Mobile Surface Analyzer

SRS 500 kHz DSP Lock-in Amplifier

UT340 Pulser Reciever System

Fastec HS7 High Speed Camera

Real time DIC and Test Monitoring

Branson Sonifier 250

Programmable Hot Water Bath